Friday, July 5, 2013

Chronic Muscular Pain And How To Enter The Exclusion Zone!

I can remember days of chronic fatigue, irritability, anxiety, depression, chronic muscular pain and tension headaches. Can anyone relate? These days were uneventful and not fun for myself or my family. I spent countless miserable days wishing for a way to feel better, and I tried many things. Massage Therapy, Meditation, Yoga, Trips to the Doctor. This was getting scary. Things started to become 10 fold after the birth of my daughter. Then one day my primary DO , told me to go and see an ENT (Ear, nose , throat ) specialist for the swollen lymph glands in my neck. It was at this visit where I received a blood test to see what I may be allergic to. The final verdict came to WHEAT AKA Gluten! It's in everything, what was I going to do? No one advised me to change my diet either. What did this mean? I started to do my research and decided to enter the exclusion zone.

On my journey I learned that adverse reactions to certain foods and drinks are responsible for much of the pain and discomfort I was feeling.  Did you know that headaches, constipation, vomiting, fatigue, agitation, skin irritations, diarrhea,  joint pain, muscle pain, palpitations and anxiety are some of the symptoms related to the reactions that certain foods can provoke?

So here are the culprits you may want to try excluding: Wheat, dairy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, chocolate, alcohol and caffeine.  If you suffer from chronic pain, you may benefit from conducting a food exclusion experiment.  You will want to try one at a time and keep a food journal close by to record your experiences.  Keep in mind that you may experience withdrawal symptoms which include, flu- like symptoms, anxiety, muscle and joint pain and restlessness for a few days. It can take up to five days for a food that produces a reaction to stop producing it's symptoms. But do not worry , this will pass and drinking water throughout the day should help flush out these toxins from the body.

How I found relief? Eliminating wheat and including a Natural, Synergistic Super Food 
that contains 22 amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins and Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), into my dietary plan. This has had a tremendous effect on my lifestyle and my ability to continue doing all the things I enjoy. I have more energy, better sleep, no more anxiety, no pain and my tension headaches are gone. I am feeling great, and will never go a day without this diet or my Laminine.

I hope you may have found a solution to your problem. For more info you may want to research the oligoantigenic diet and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

I wish you well on your journey towards better health. 


I encourage you to get in touch with me so we can talk about some of the things that have worked for me and some of the things that have worked for others that I know. Wishing you success!

Your Wellness Advocate,

 Deana Hodell, LMT


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  1. Thanks Deana. Am sharing this with my wife

    1. It may help many others who are suffering. I hope she finds some helpful information here on her journey towards better health. Thanks Bernie!

  2. I am so glad you found out what the culprit was Deana. Laminine is wonderful and it can do a lot to help with just about everything.
