Friday, June 21, 2013

How To Relax!

Today is the first day of Summer. We have had a long winter and a cool spring here on the East Coast. Some of us are still trying to pay off the heating bills from those long cold winter months. Not fun! However Summer is tons of fun! So let's get ready to enjoy it , stress free!

Here we are finally, Friday, June 21st, 2013. My question to you is , "How Will You Relax, during these summer months?"

I have decided to take my massage therapy guru knowledge and share some relaxation ideas with you; after all, relaxation is key to reducing stress and its effects. The following tips are easy and enjoyable.

  1. Take a warm shower: As the the water rushes around your neck, drop your neck forward and stretch it from side to side. Then circle your shoulders slowly under the hot water.
  2. Take a nap, even if it's only for ten minutes.
  3. Take a yoga class. Many people find yoga relaxing and it will relieve the many effects of stress.
  4. Get a massage. When you relax with massage, you let go of muscle tension, worry and mental confusion. This may be one of the few times you slow down and notice what it feels like to relax. As you tune into your feelings your body and mind will let go of stress and tension.
  5. Practice abdominal breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose. Exhale completely, squeezing the belly tight. Begin by practicing for five minutes at a time. Try this when you are anxious or cannot sleep.
  6. Try autosuggestion. Frequently repeat a suggestion to yourself such as "Shoulders free" or "Neck Relaxed." repeat the phrase without doing anything else. This will support muscle relaxation.
  7. Try biofeedback.. A professional biofeedback practitioner can help you develop self-regulation over the mental and physical processes that are associated with stress-related disorders.
  8. Soak in a hot bath. Add several drops of essential oils like lavender or ylang-ylang for relaxation. Or just soak your feet. Add Epsom salts to a bathtub or basin of warm water and enjoy!
  9. Try a cleanse plan. Periodic cleansing is like pressing the reset button. You can bring physical, mental and emotional health and well-being to a whole new level. You will feel much more relaxed when you bring the body back to a balanced state.
  10. Meditate. Silently repeat a word that has little emotional meaning for you, such as "one." Give it your full attention. When other images or thoughts come to your mind, ignore them and return your focus to the unspoken word. Don't try too hard. Simply let your mind keep coming back to your chosen word again and again as thoughts pass through your mind.
I hope this helps you to have a relaxing summer this year.

Your Wellness Advocate,
 Deana Hodell, LMT

Sunday, June 16, 2013

How To Build Resistance To Stress!

When a body is under stress it demands for more vitamins, minerals and amino acids. This demand is increased by a factor of 10. When our body is under attack, under stress, we need more nutrition and more fuel. A stressed body has a hard time assimilating nutrients and eliminating toxins efficiently.

While living in a crazy world, we need to give ourselves all that we can get. Juggling our daily tasks have become more challenging than ever before due to economic changes and pressures that we have these days.

As I continue to study Massage Therapy I am constantly learning about health strategies to use which will allow clients to build resistance to stress.

            These are the following healthful tips I suggest for managing your stress levels.

  1. Go for a walk! Simple walking even if it's a short walk in the beginning, making sure that you have good walking shoes can be one of the best forms of exercise. Even if it is only ten minutes, remember that any new habit begins with small steps.
  2. Jog, bike, or swim. Exercise will increase the flow of endorphins, those natural pain relievers, also known as the runners high! Exercising two or three times a week will improve your circulation and help to relieve tension and anxiety. You will also start to enjoy life more!
  3. Get outside.Regular exposure to outdoor light and fresh air can reduce stress in general to lift your spirits. This will also aid in SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
  4. Stretch! Practice stretching every hour or two. Make sure you do this properly, and ask your massage therapist for suggestions. Stretching will help to relieve muscle tension and even prevent injury.
  5. If you feel that stress is overwhelming you, please do not hesitate to seek a professional counselor.
  6. Get an annual physical to rule out any conditions that may be contributing to your stress.
  7. Ask your physician or a naturopathic doctor for recommendations for vitamins and supplements. Some supplements help to increase energy levels and balance hormones and other chemicals in the body.
  8. Drink water! Many of us forget to drink enough pure water.
  9. Take a Yoga or Tai Chi Class.
  10. Get regular massage to reinforce your ability to let go of stress.
I hope that you find these tips helpful and I invite you to learn more about healthy organic lifestyle products that I have been sharing with others.  I encourage you to get in touch with me so we can talk about some of the things that have worked for me and some of the things that have worked for others that I know.

Enjoy your fabulous existence and enjoy your journey towards better health.

Your Wellness Advocate,
 Deana Hodell, LMT

Friday, June 14, 2013

How To Increase Physical and Mental Strength!

Do you know what your body really needs to increase physical and mental strength?  I didn't! When I was tired I would reach for another coffee and maybe a sweet to go with it. I can remember the days when I stopped at Wendy's for some fast food , because I was too tired to go home and make something to eat.  I remember the horrible mood swings, the muscle pain and depression that I suffered from.  I am glad to say good rid-dens to these horrible feelings.

What happens if we continue this lifestyle. After a while the body says, "I am not happy and if you keep pushing me, you are going to pay for it the hard way."  So what happened to me? I got sick! Yup, that is what happened. I learned the hard way because I was unaware of any other way. So the research and the doctor visits began. To make a long story short, I found out that I was gluten intolerant with a wheat allergy. This is where paying attention to my diet and lifestyle came into play. If I didn't take care of my body, where was I going to live?

How can you help yourself to feel better? Would you change your diet and exercise more?

Besides eating a healthy diet and exercise, there are so many other things we need to give ourselves on a daily basis which aid in our physical performance. For some of us , physical performance may be just the ability to walk or get up the stairs. For others it may be more than that, like going to the gym for a workout or running a 5K. You get it , right? You don't have to be an Olympic champion to partake in the opportunity to increase your physical and mental strength.

Our bodies need a unique blend of Amino Acids. I recommend a product called Smooth Vitality made of complete plant proteins which contain all essential and non-essential amino acids, including Branch Chain Amino Acids that are higher than any other plant-based protein. Smooth Vitality creates a feeling of satiety (fullness), is high in antioxidants, improves cardiovascular function, increases good cholesterol, decreases bad cholesterol, and is a great energy source!

Green Organics' Smooth Vitality is the next generation in plant-based protein - an easily digestible, nutrient-dense superfood, perfect for those who want to be ultra-healthy and fit.

  “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”  ~John F. Kennedy

I encourage you to get in touch with me so we can talk about some of the things that have worked for me and some of the things that have worked for others that I know.

Wishing you success,

Deana Hodell
+ 401-523-4275

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Migraines: Not Just Another Headache!

Migraines are debilitating, period. Those who suffer may experience cognitive impairment affecting one's ability to work and interact with family and social life. Migraines tend to run in families, so if you have a relative who also had them, you may also be at risk.

So what defines a migraine? Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent moderate to severe headaches often in association with a number of autonomic nervous system symptoms. Source:

Here is a listing of the different types of migraines:

Abdominal Migraine
Coexisting Migraine and Tension-Type Headaches AKA Chronic Migraine
Complicated Migraine
Basilar Migraine
Menstrual Migraine
Cyclic Migraine Syndrome
Nocturnal Migraine
Migraine With Aura
Opthalmoplegic Migraine
Ocular Migraine
Inflammation Migraine
Transformed Migraine

It would be a lengthy process to define each type of migraine here, however we can talk about some of the triggers:

Hormonal Changes
Intense Physical Exertion
Changes In The Weather
Food (Wine, Beer, Chocolate, MSG, Aspartame, Caffeine, Processed Foods, Aged Cheeses, Salty Food)
Bright Lights
Sun Glare
Computer Screens
Loud Sounds
Unpleasant Odor, Fragrance and Strong Smells
Depression/Anxiety/Tension and Medication Overuse

What can we do to avoid these triggers? Well, we can't change the weather, however we can learn to eat with the process of elimination. My trigger was Gluten and Stress!  Once I eliminated my food allergy and reduced my stress levels , my Tension Headaches reduced significantly to being completely eliminated.
Learn what triggers your migraines and keep a diary with you to write these down. You will want to show this to your doctor as well.

If stress is a factor and trigger in your daily life,  you may need to consider alternative ways to reduce your levels. Reducing cortisol will naturally reduce stress in the body and may give your body the much needed break it deserves to break this cycle of pain and discomfort associated with migraines. 

Massage Therapy is also another great way to reduce stress. Just make sure you do not have a migraine when you get the massage as this could make it worse. Consult with your massage therapist for further information regarding a treatment protocol.

The key is to avoid the triggers and treatment to reduce the frequency and duration of these horrible headaches. The American Headache Society is a great resource for anyone who needs help.

Wishing you all the best as you unlock your secret to perfect health.

Your Personal Wellness Advocate,

Deana Hodell

Monday, June 3, 2013

Spending Time With Nature!

Nature has many healing benefits. Do you ever notice how stress or tension starts to fade when you are near the ocean or out hiking on a trail in the forest? Some people like to spend time in the garden. Just the simple act of putting your hands in the dirt can be meditative and therapeutic.

Being outdoors is a wonderful way to clear negative energy and reconnect with ourselves. Mother Nature is very giving. It is now nearing Summer, give yourself this opportunity to reconnect with nature and be mindful of your  Overall Health.