Friday, June 14, 2013

How To Increase Physical and Mental Strength!

Do you know what your body really needs to increase physical and mental strength?  I didn't! When I was tired I would reach for another coffee and maybe a sweet to go with it. I can remember the days when I stopped at Wendy's for some fast food , because I was too tired to go home and make something to eat.  I remember the horrible mood swings, the muscle pain and depression that I suffered from.  I am glad to say good rid-dens to these horrible feelings.

What happens if we continue this lifestyle. After a while the body says, "I am not happy and if you keep pushing me, you are going to pay for it the hard way."  So what happened to me? I got sick! Yup, that is what happened. I learned the hard way because I was unaware of any other way. So the research and the doctor visits began. To make a long story short, I found out that I was gluten intolerant with a wheat allergy. This is where paying attention to my diet and lifestyle came into play. If I didn't take care of my body, where was I going to live?

How can you help yourself to feel better? Would you change your diet and exercise more?

Besides eating a healthy diet and exercise, there are so many other things we need to give ourselves on a daily basis which aid in our physical performance. For some of us , physical performance may be just the ability to walk or get up the stairs. For others it may be more than that, like going to the gym for a workout or running a 5K. You get it , right? You don't have to be an Olympic champion to partake in the opportunity to increase your physical and mental strength.

Our bodies need a unique blend of Amino Acids. I recommend a product called Smooth Vitality made of complete plant proteins which contain all essential and non-essential amino acids, including Branch Chain Amino Acids that are higher than any other plant-based protein. Smooth Vitality creates a feeling of satiety (fullness), is high in antioxidants, improves cardiovascular function, increases good cholesterol, decreases bad cholesterol, and is a great energy source!

Green Organics' Smooth Vitality is the next generation in plant-based protein - an easily digestible, nutrient-dense superfood, perfect for those who want to be ultra-healthy and fit.

  “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”  ~John F. Kennedy

I encourage you to get in touch with me so we can talk about some of the things that have worked for me and some of the things that have worked for others that I know.

Wishing you success,

Deana Hodell
+ 401-523-4275


  1. Great article Deana.Exercise and diet are wonderful and I agree we do need a little help to maintain our bodies balance.

  2. When we make restoring balance a priority in our lives, our health begins to reflect that commitment. When I see those who simply become too lazy to take their product twice a day, at the proper doses, my sympathy for the wreckage they began to create in their bodies is nil.

    1. I agree Gianmichael. It is hard to feel bad for someone who is unwilling to make health a priority.

  3. So easy to get lazy and stop for fast food. But I never really felt well after eating it. But a homemade chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven is hard to best. On a more serious note, if I don't exercise, I notice it. It is obvious today with all the pollutants and outside stress we have on our bodies that an outside supplement of some kind is absolutely essential.

    1. That is the issue most everyone has these days. It is essential to include support for our immunity and we all need something to give the body a fighting chance. I agree Judy. Thank you for your comment.

  4. Gosh... All this exercise and diet stuff is making me hungry. Just kidding. One of the best stress release mechanisms for me is to move... Thanks for sharing Deana
