Thursday, August 7, 2014

Don't Be Careful What You Wish For...

 Yes, this was the title of my email I opened up today! "This is a completely different way to think," I thought to myself. This is what I read:

Do you know the saying…

"Be careful what you wish for"?

Between us, I would have to disagree with that saying…

You see, I believe you should be fearless when it comes to your dreams and wish for things beyond your wildest imagination!

Your dreams should awaken your soul and spark a deep passion within you…

And when you find a dream that provides a true purpose for your life, it's important that you don't let it just pass you by.

Below are 5 reasons that it's important to follow your dreams now.

So… the 5 reasons to follow your dreams are:

1. They make life worth living.
If you love what you're doing, it won't feel like work. Your dreams are the reason to keep going even when life seems hard.

2. You can be an inspiration to others.
If you follow your dreams, you'll inspire others along the way and this will lead to many meaningful relationships and experiences.

3. You'll meet amazing people.
When you are motivated and excited about your dreams, you'll meet other high achievers that will continue to support you in everything you do.

4. You'll make yourself proud.
When you go after something you're passionate about, your confidence will skyrocket & you'll be ecstatic that you achieved something you've always wanted to do.

5. You'll achieve amazing joy.
Life without purpose can be bland and unsatisfying. When you go after your dreams - you'll notice a positive transformation in your outlook on life.

Life is short, so why not spend it doing something you love?

It's time to make the decision to follow your most audacious goals right now :)

To your abundant success,
Natalie ~ Mind Movies

Thanks to Natalie, I have decided to venture into my dream. My dream is to help change the lives of many people, in terms of their health and financial stability, and to be able to do it from the comfort of my own home. I needed a vehicle to drive my way to success. This vehicle is to be in the business of helping others succeed.

I invite you to become a part of something that’s bigger than yourself. 

Many Blessings,

Deana Hodell, LMT, BCTMB

401-523-4275 (Non-Soliciting Calls only)