Life does not have to be perfect and it never will be. So I am thankful for all the imperfections! We may want things to be different or may want things to be a certain way, yet we need to remind ourselves to breathe deeply and accept that things are what they are.
I am thankful that I have the opportunity to change my life with determination and will! Yes, you can do this too! We must have faith in all we do!
Faith is the backbone to success. Before you receive it, you must believe it. The question often is how can you believe in something that you cannot see? Well, you are already doing it all the time. How often do you believe that the worst case scenario is going to happen? How often do you believe that you won't be able to afford that dream trip or that dream car? Doubt is faith in reverse and most of us have absolutely no problem believing in our fears. We need to learn how to flip it!
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I thankful for you! Enjoy the video below and remember to keep the faith!
Video: How To Have More Faith!
~Deana Hodell