This is what my whole blog is about. Unlocking The Secret To Better Health is more than just a bunch of information about health and wellness. It is about the using the tools and information I provide to you so you may live a less stressful lifestyle.
Have you ever heard of Robert Ader? Dr. Robert Ader, was an experimental psychologist who was among the first scientists to show how mental processes influence the body’s immune system. His research and finding changed modern medicine. His studies have mapped the vast communications network among immune cells, hormones and neurotransmitters. Ader's research proves that social bonding improves cancer survival and that people under stress get sick more often with colds. The term Mind-Body is real and believe it or not, your mind is connected to your body.
Dr. Ader was editor and later co-editor of the book Psychoneuroimmunology, first published in 1981, that details the research supporting the proposition that the brain and immune system are an integrated system.
How about Candace Pert? Have you heard of her? Pert is an internationally recognized pharmacologist who has published over 250 scientific articles on peptides and their receptors and the role of these neuropeptides in the immune system. She was part of a team that discovered the first chemical messenger between the brain and the immune system.. It was an amino acid neuro-peptide that they called beta-endorphin. Since then, Pert has dedicated her career to identifying and understanding other neuro-peptides and their function in the human being.
So what does all this have to do with stress? All of it! Over 50 different amino acid chemical messengers have been identified and reside at the brain, pancreas, kidney, the digestive tracts starting from the lips to the anus, and the spinal cord, all having each of their very own special function.
I recently learned that there are three different signaling molecules. Endocrine , (regulating hormones) Neurotransmitters (regulating dopamine and serotonin) & Cytokine (regulating your immune system) When the signals do not work properly, then cellular aging is taking place, resulting in stress, depression and disease. This is amazing information.
So how can we get our bodies to function properly? Let's start by giving it what it needs on a regular basis.
Whole food supplementation is the nutritional difference between what we eat and what our body needs.
Supplementing with plant-based, organic whole food vitamins and minerals makes up the difference between what your body demands for optimal performance, versus the nutritional value absorbed from the food and beverages you ingest each day!Pure water, healthy nutrients, and clean oxygen are vital elements for a balanced body. The organic and wild-crafted, whole food based nutritional supplements found at goDesana effectively bridge nutritional deficiencies and provide co-factored vitamins and minerals our bodies require.
We all recognize that over the years our natural environment and food chain have been compromised. Is it any wonder our internal environment has also been compromised? Could this be why our ancestors didn't experience the same levels of chronic illness, or why cancer and diabetes were rare?
I encourage you to get
in touch with me so we can talk about some of the things that have worked for
me and some of the things that have worked for others that I know. Wishing you success!
Your Wellness
Deana Hodell, LMT